π—₯π˜‚π—―π˜† 𝟯.𝟬 is released and here are list of improvements ⚑️

πŸ“Œ In some benchmarks Ruby3.0 is three times faster than Ruby2.0

πŸ“Œ Lot many performance improvements in Method Based Just-in-Time Compiler

πŸ“Œ With Ractor, along with Async Fiber, Ruby will be a real concurrent language

πŸ“Œ Light-weight concurrency without changing existing code using Fiber#scheduler

πŸ“Œ Ships with RBS Gem, which allows parsing and processing type definitions written in RBS.

πŸ“Œ Improved one-line pattern matching

πŸ“Œ Endless method definition

πŸ“Œ Pasting long code to IRB is 53 times faster than bundled with Ruby 2.7.0

Apart from this total 62 features has been released along with 15 bug Fixes which includes -

⚑️ Language changes (More Info)

⚑️ Command line options (More Info)

⚑️ Core classes updates (More Info)

⚑️ Stdlib updates (More Info)

⚑️ Compatibility issues (More Info)

⚑️ Stdlib compatibility issues (More Info)

⚑️ C API updates (More Info)

⚑️ Implementation improvements (More Info)

⚑️ JIT (More Info)

⚑️ Static analysis(RBS & TypeProf) (More Info)

⚑️ Few Miscellaneous changes (More Info)

Ruby3.0 is a milestone. The language is evolved, keeping compatibility. But it’s not the end. Ruby will keep progressing, and become even greater. Stay tuned!

- Yukihiro Matz Matsumoto(Creator of Ruby)

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and enjoy programming with Ruby 3.0! πŸ™ŒπŸΌ