List all TODO tasks from Ruby on Rails Project 🔖

To get all # TODO tasks from your Ruby on Rails project you can use rake notes

It'll search for comments beginning with a specific keyword and also give filename and line 📋

Code snippet 📌

# list down all comments starts with # TODO, # FIXME & # OPTIMIZE
 rake notes
  * [ 20] [TODO] any other way to do this?
  * [132] [FIXME] high priority for next deploy
  * [13] [OPTIMIZE] Refactor this code to make it faster
  * [ 17] [FIXME] can take it up later

# list down all comments starts with # FIXME
 rake notes:custom ANNOTATION=FIXME
  * [132] [FIXME] high priority for next deploy lib/school.rb:
  * [ 17] [FIXME] can take it up later
# list down all comments starts with # OPTIMIZE

 rake notes:custom ANNOTATION=OPTIMIZE
  * [ 13] [OPTIMIZE] Re factor this code to make it faster