3 minutes
Do more with rails console by configuring ~/.irbrc ๐
Itยดs better to wait for a productive programmer to become available than it is to wait for the first available programmer to become productive. โ Steve McConnell
What is ~/.irbrc file? ๐
- After work with multiple Rails apps, you might have some methods and preferred ways of working with them.
- i.e. you're using few generalized methods or configuration your IRB session(rails console) in a single project and want to have the same methods & configuration on other projects youโre working on, you can add those methods & configuration in your ~/.irbrc file.
- You can create ~/.irbrc file in your root directory if itโs not present.
Things you can include in your ~/.irbrc file ๐
- Configurations which need to be used in all Rails Apps
- Methods which need to be used in all Rails Apps
- Require/load specific file(s) or Gem(s)
- Hacky convenience methods that help you play with your objects
My .irbrc file ๐งฎ
require 'irb/completion'
require 'rubygems'
ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = 1 if defined?(ActiveRecord)
IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY] = 1000
# Overriding Object class
class Object
# Easily print methods local to an object's class
def lm
(methods - Object.instance_methods).sort
# look up source location of a method
def sl(method_name)
self.method(method_name).source_location rescue "#{method_name} not found"
# open particular method in vs code
def ocode(method_name)
file, line = self.sl(method_name)
if file && line
`code -g '#{file}:#{line}'`
"'#{method_name}' not found :(Try #{self.name}.lm to see available methods"
# display method source in rails console
def ds(method_name)
# open json object in VS Code Editor
def oo
tempfile = File.join(Rails.root.join('tmp'), SecureRandom.hex)
File.open(tempfile,'w') {|f| f << self.as_json}
system("#{'code'||'nano'} #{tempfile}")
File.delete( tempfile )
# history command
def hist(count = 0)
# Get history into an array
history_array = Readline::HISTORY.to_a
# if count is > 0 we'll use it.
# otherwise set it to 0
count = count > 0 ? count : 0
if count > 0
from = history_array.length - count
history_array = history_array[from..-1]
print history_array.join("\n")
# copy a string to the clipboard
def cp(string)
`echo "#{string}" | pbcopy`
puts "copied in clipboard"
# reloads the irb console can be useful for debugging .irbrc
def reload_irb
load File.expand_path("~/.irbrc")
# will reload rails env if you are running ./script/console
reload! if @script_console_running
puts "Console Reloaded!"
# opens irbrc in vscode
def edit_irb
`code ~/.irbrc` if system("code")
def bm
# From http://blog.evanweaver.com/articles/2006/12/13/benchmark/
# Call benchmark { } with any block and you get the wallclock runtime
# as well as a percent change + or - from the last run
cur = Time.now
result = yield
print "#{cur = Time.now - cur} seconds"
puts " (#{(cur / $last_benchmark * 100).to_i - 100}% change)" rescue puts ""
$last_benchmark = cur
# exit using `q`
alias q exit
# all available methods explaination
def ll
puts '============================================================================================================='
puts 'Welcome to rails console. Here are few list of pre-defined methods you can use.'
puts '============================================================================================================='
puts 'obj.sl(:method) ------> source location e.g lead.sl(:name)'
puts 'obj.ocode(:method) ---> open method in vs code e.g lead.ocode(:name)'
puts 'obj.dispsoc(:method) -> display method source in rails console e.g lead.dispsoc(:name)'
puts 'obj.oo ---------------> open object json in vs code e.g lead.oo'
puts 'hist(n) --------------> command history e.g hist(10)'
puts 'cp(str) --------------> copy string in clipboard e.g cp(lead.name)'
puts 'bm(block) ------------> benchmarking for block passed as an argument e.g bm { Lead.all.pluck(:stage);0 }'
puts '============================================================================================================='
How to search awesome .irbrc file created by other devs ๐ญ
Just click on the following URL and itโll list all ~/.irbrc files created by other GitHub developers, you can create your file and add everything you need if you find anything useful -
References ๐
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